
Now I have started to write an outline, which is what tutor hopes to have. An outline can make the logic of writing a paper clearer.

Here I refer to iva’s paper, and I have to say that this is an excellent paper! Because it is clearly organized and smoothly structured!
Finally, I wrote the following outline:

Abstract. 300
What is the purpose of this article (Chapter 1) What is a series of methods used to explain credibility (Chapter 2) What is the meaning So what is the article to do (Chapter 3)

Statement Acknowledgements
Thank you Luke, thank you friends, feel classmates, thank your family, anyway, thank you

1 Introduction. 400-800
1.1 Overview
When Cyberpunk 2077’s advertisements are all about the development of 3D games, people’s reason for the credibility of game animations (immersion) will be fake if they don’t meet expectations, so what can we do to make 3D animations real?

1.2 Tool introduction
Let’s talk about the website for searching information, and introduce Maya2020 and UE4.27.

1.3 Research scope
The uniqueness of three-dimensional computer animation gameplay. Although two-dimensional animation pixel animation is related, it is not in the scope of discussion. Cinematic facial is not counted. Traditional hand keys are used.

1.4 Objectives
Research theme and scope: The character made by yourself has no copyright issues. When making the animation you need, it is more controllable in 3D games. The battle animation of the character, including walking and jumping. Because this is the most basic content of animation, it also makes the player feel like this character. The simplest animation goal is: through (interview, observation, questionnaire survey, literature analysis), let everyone give a conclusion about whether this game animation is credible or not, how can it be more credible?

1.5 Content description
What each chapter is doing

2 Three-dimensional animation explanation (tentative)
2.1 Classification of game animations (Book P27)
Character animation facial cutscenes technical props discussion

2.2 Game animation production method
Motion capture a traditional keyframing approach, hand-key animation, keyframing program discussion

2.3 3D game animation history
From the first 3D animation to the recent fire in 90s 00s 10s, the two generations of Grand Theft Auto are different. Discuss

2.4 Role credibility
The most important thing is immersion, analysis of player psychology, telegram, discussion

2.5 Application of 12 Animation Principles in Games
Just talk about part of it, let’s not talk about the useless. Discuss

2.6 Five game principles
Let’s just talk about it in conjunction with the video discussion

Chapter 2.7 Summary
Discuss and review work, opinions, research and theories related to the research question. What I have learned through this So what will I do in the next chapter.

3 Research Methodology. 1200
3.1 Test method
Software: Maya UE4 Model: Self-made binding with adv

3.3 Research Principle
Focus on the role, lens, operation 3Cs discussion: adding special effects can block the details

3.2 Game Animation Design
Walk, run, jump, and attack. General Tang’s segmentation method (data analysis) and jo are written in it

3.3 Further analysis
Implementation in UE4 View operation

Chapter 3.4 Summary

4 Data Analysis 1600-2000
4.1 Principles of Questionnaire Design
Fast spread, only choose China, and choose to play young people playing games, reduce the difficulty of the questionnaire, only show the trial video

4.2 Demographics

4.3 Analysis

4.4 Results / Findings.
First outline any descriptive (qualitative) or exploratory/confirmative analysis

5 Conclusion Conclusion800
I didn’t do it, and I don’t know what the conclusion is.

5.1 Restrictions

5.2 Further work

References / Bibliography.

Appendix Appendices.

I updated my theme after writing outlinr, which means I have to readjust what I have written. At this time I have a 1 to1 tutorial with Nigel, so I asked Nigel some questions by the way:

  1. Can I use a commercial game as an example for research? Nigel said this is possible.
  2. I have checked many Chinese papers, do I need to translate them directly in bibliography?

Nigel patiently answered my question and showed me the guideline for Thesis. I revised my outline based on these:

Analyze the factors that affect immersion in games-take Zelda’s Breath of the Wild as an example
A study in the connection between game animation and the sense of game-take Zelda’s Breath of the Wild as an example
Abstract. 300
What is the purpose of this article (Chapter 1) What is a series of methods used to explain credibility (Chapter 2) What is the meaning So what is the article to do (Chapter 3)

Statement Acknowledgements
Thank you Luke, thank you friends, feel classmates, thank your family, anyway, thank you

1 Introduction. 400-800
When Cyberpunk 2077’s advertisements are all about the development of three-dimensional games, the reason why people have the credibility of game animations (immersion) will feel fake if they don’t meet expectations. So what should be done to make three-dimensional animations real?

1.2 Research scope
Three-dimensional computer animation, including jona, proposed all animation categories, including xxxx.

1.3 aim purpose
Find the inner connection between three-dimensional game animation and the sense of the game. Through analysis of Zelda, including walking and jumping, because Zelda is an excellent game, he is very powerful in the animation and sound effects of the mechanism and can be used as a support. Finally, we can draw conclusions. letter

1.4 Content description
What each chapter is doing

2 field description
2.3 3D game animation history
From the first 3D animation to the recent fire in 90s 00s 10s, the two generations of Grand Theft Auto are different. Discuss

2.1 Classification of modern game animation (Book P27)
Character animation facial cutscenes technical props discussion

2.2 Game animation production method
Motion capture a traditional keyframing approach, hand-key animation, keyframing program discussion

2.4 Game feel
The most important thing is immersion, analysis of player psychology, telegram, discussion

Chapter 2.7 Summary
Discuss and review work, opinions, research and theories related to the research question. What I learned through this So what will I do in the next chapter.

3 Research Methodology. 1200
3.3 Research Principle
Focus on the role, lens, operation 3Cs discussion: adding special effects can block the details

2.5 Application of 12 Animation Principles in Games
Just talk about part of it, let’s not talk about the useless. Discuss

2.6 Further analysis-five game principles
Let’s just talk about it in conjunction with the video discussion

Chapter 3.4 Summary

4 Data Analysis 1600-2000
4.1 Principles of Questionnaire Design
Fast spread, only choose China, and choose to play young people playing games, reduce the difficulty of the questionnaire, only show the trial video

4.2 Demographics

4.3 Analysis

4.4 Results / Findings.
First outline any descriptive (qualitative) or exploratory/confirmative analysis

5 Conclusion Conclusion800
I didn’t do it, and I don’t know what the conclusion is.

5.1 Restrictions

5.2 Further work

References / Bibliography.

Appendix Appendices.

Thanks to Nigel for answering my questions and for always encouraging me to start writing papers. Now my paper only has a frame, and the content inside still needs me to continue to check the information to fill it. I also believe that I can write this paper quickly, as long as I work hard.

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