FMP23-Sound, Trail, Particles, Destruction

I am almost finished with my game now! Just add sounds, particles, and collisions into the game!

First of all, I went to edit my sound effects in Premier, and I also found a friend to help me dub it! Because UE4 does not support mp3 file, so I used wav file.

Then I bought special effects, I want to have trails and particles.

Then I added sound to the animation montage. This is relatively simple, it just takes some time. By the way, cue is a sound editing program that comes with UE4. I can even write blueprints in it and play sound effects randomly.

I also added a trail to the animation montage, and then entered the bone points of the sword, but at the beginning, there was no texture. I asked Yann and he suggested that I import all the files I purchased so that I don’t have to worry about the material.

The UASSET file automatically generated by UE4 cannot be directly dragged into the software. At this time, I can only go to the project folder and copy it. After copying the trail and particles, my animation became like this. This particle is really too big! ! !

Yann has never studied ordinary particle effects, so let’s go to the particle menu to check. After researching, I modified the initial size and initial speed, the original value is really too big! Although the particle dissipation effect is not very obvious, I think it is already great!

This is the display effect of my game character! He has sounds and special effects, and he looks more like a real person!

I want my character to be able to destroy objects, so at Zhu’s suggestion, I searched for distructable mesh, and I found a plug-in apex destruction. Although it can’t be downloaded directly, it’s already built into UE4. I just need it. You can use switch on!

Then I added a collision body to the arm according to the official tutorial. But the effect is not very obvious, I think I walked to the side of the stone to let it fall.

I opened Apex destruction, and according to the reference, I set the parameters for the stone. For the sound effect of the stone, I went to Premiere to edit it again.

Next, I referenced a lot of videos:

I don’t want the collision of the body, but to break the stone when I attack. But no matter how many blueprints I wrote, there is no way to achieve it. I spent almost an hour here and finally had to give up. At least I tried my best!

I forgot to add sounds to walk, run, and jump, and the sound effects I was looking for were not available because it was two steps per second and only two footsteps.

Next, I imported the character into the scene model, this is soul_slum, which is a free download for learning scenes! I think this scene fits my character too well. Except for a dazzling halo at the beginning.

I know this is in the real world foot lens flare, but I don’t know where to adjust it until I saw this video:
I found PostProcessVolume by searching, and then lowered the intensity of the lens flare so that there would be no glare! I think I am getting more and more proficient!

In order to make the scene not look so dark, I turned off the light. Then I put the rigid body I set in the scene, but the rock was too big, so I adjusted it again, such as making the rock more broken.

The scene is now complete! I run in the game! It’s really cool! I want to share my game with everyone, so I want to export my game!

I started trying to export:

But even if I adjusted step by step according to the video, when I saw that I needed 20G to install the plug-in, I decided to give up.

It’s really not easy! I made the model, UV, rigging, texture, animation, and game all by myself. In the next chapter I will summarize what I have done!

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