FMP22-Run, Begining, Attack, Crouch in Anim Montage

In this week, I added blueprints for run, beginning, and attack, and used animation montages. In fact, I still don’t know the animation montage too clearly, you can watch the manual and tutorial to learn.

I found that the official tutorial did not say how to make the character run, so I found other tutorials for reference!

I added it directly according to this, and it ran successfully.

But there is one thing about the initial speed of the character. I originally set it to 90 in the blend space, and later changed it to 187.5. Then I found the “Maximum Walking Speed” option in the character blueprint, where I set 187.5, and the character did not move so fast at this time. But I can still set the speed higher in the blueprint. For example, I set the running speed to 600, which is exactly the same as the field of view movement.

Look, now Xin is normal when he exercises.

The official tutorial does not set the squat, so I used this video to set the squat for my character:

Logically, I already understand. First, go to the role blueprint settings and press ctrl. The character will squat down, just like jump, because I created the role blueprint, so I can directly use the “crouch” graph. But at this time, even if I press ctrl, there is no response, so I have to switch on “can crouch”, which is not the default.

Second, in the eventgraph of the anim blueprint, I let the character have the conditions to run this event.

Third, I added crouch to the state machines and dragged my animation into it. Then set the same conditions as jump.

Although the animation can be played, my squat animation is always playing. I can also switch off loop animation in the state machines!

Now my squat animation is also set! This is that I didn’t make an animation of squatting down and walking, so I just let the character squat down in the final show.

Now I am starting to make an attack. This is more complicated. I didn’t use the official tutorial method, but used animation montage. To be honest, I can understand animation montage too much, because mine is the new version of UE4, and the interface is not the same as the old version. Same.

This is the official description:

First of all, I first created the attack animations as animation montages.

Then I created an attack event in the role blueprint. This is more complicated, so I put the blueprint directly on it.

Then we came to the animation montage and added notify for each animation montage. I added two, one is to tell the character to start the combo, and the other is to tell the character to stop the attack if I do not operate.

Then I added two notify events to the eventgraph in animBP, which will only be displayed after I create the montage notify. And this notify is a custom event to activate the character blueprint.

I also want to add a slot in the animgraph.

Then I went to look at the blueprint of Sunwukong, because he can start playing the animation directly, so I also converted the beginning into an animation montage. This is relatively simple!

Now I have completed all the animations in UE4! ! ! !

I finally finished the animation part of UE4! ! ! This is a big project for me! ! ! This made me better understand the use of blueprints and montages.
For the time being, I think UE4 is particularly interesting, and I hope I can keep my interest in continuing to learn.

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