FMP20-Export(Maya) & Setting(UE4)

I officially started my game engine project! This is so exciting! I have found many tutorials, in addition to the ones shown on FMP02, there are also new ones. My next article is to follow these two tutorials!

I have imported my own model into UE4 before, and it ran successfully, so I already have experience in importing and exporting. For details, please read my FMP02.

I first exported the Xin model and default bones, and then exported all the bone animations. It is worth noting that the jump and attack animations are exported in several parts, but even if I select the interval in the bake animation, he will still export all the frames of the timeline, so I tried to adjust the timeline before exporting. But the timeline of the fbx file is still the same as the original timeline, I don’t know if this will cause problems.

Then I created a new project in UE4. I used 4.27 and chose the third person example because I wanted to see how the standard third person game folder was created. After checking the folder, I imported the model and this problem occurred! This is the skincage I used during rigging. It should be hidden in the display layers. I don’t know how it was exported again.

Then I asked Yann again. He asked me if the skincage in the display layers was not deleted. I said that I tried to delete it before, but the model would disappear after deleting it, so I gave up.

He suggested that I delete it in adv. Although there is still skincage after deletion, skincage is already a separate model at this time. I delete the skincage model and export it, and it will be displayed in UE4!

Yann taught me how to import and export my files in UE4, and told me to try not to operate in the project folder, but in the content browser, and then don’t forget to save everything.

First of all, I have to remember one thing. When viewing the material requirements in the content browser, you need to switch off the sRGB textures other than the color map (in the raw format), which means that they have to read the Raw format. .

Then I double-clicked the shader to enter the material editor. This is the first time I have connected nodes in UE4! I can drag all the stickers here in the content browser and connect them a little bit. First, if it is a black and white texture, I can only connect the R channel.

Second, if I want to make the emissive map more luminous, I need to give it a coefficient. Hold down 1 and click the left button to get the coefficient node, and I use the multiply node to connect the coefficient node with the texture.

Here is a little knowledge point, press and hold alt to cancel the connected line. So my model will have a texture!

Next, I need to import the animation. Yann said that it doesn’t matter what the animation I exported from Maya is, because it can be adjusted in UE4, mainly to rotate the X axis by 90 degrees.

Although I chose the time with animation, there are still problems with the animation of attack and jump. So I simply chose the time range so that the import would be no problem! My animation was imported successfully! ! !

First of all, I create a role blueprint, which is to allow me to edit the role. I adjusted the movement, rotation, and scaling of the character inside, referring to the capsule body. In addition, I also added a camera.

Then I created a game mode blueprint, which is where the default pawn class (my character blueprint) and game play are determined first. In addition, I first set the blank map as my default map. Although I have downloaded a scene, it is too big to affect the running speed.

Finally, I set up the game mode. If I choose the third-person mode at the beginning, this is the system default, and I don’t need to add it. I added a joystick controller just for learning.

Now open the map, my character has appeared!

Although my character can’t move and there is no animation yet, I think this is a good start! I hope my actions are correct, because I don’t have time to debug bugs. I also thank Yann for helping me!

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