
As usual, I first checked the running animation in the game engine. It was made with 16 frames. The first pose is still the same as the walking animation for better integration.

To be honest, I haven’t done a running animation for a long time, so I went to the tutorial again. In fact, this is no different from the walking animation, but the motion is larger.

I took out The animators’ survival kit, I haven’t used it for a long time, but it will always be an indispensable book for animators.

But the cartoonish running animation I made based on the book at the beginning was not suitable for Xin. His movement range was too large, so that some of it seemed to be blown by the wind. I hope the animation can be more realistic.

So I took screenshots of running animations in Unreal Engine4 and analyzed them. First of all, he is not so high in the air, and his legs are not so straight in the key frame, which means that his amplitude will be smaller.

In addition, in order to better allocate each key frame, I changed the number of frames to 15 frames. Adding a bookmark allows me to know the content of each frame more directly. The most important thing is that the first pose is not an example from a book, but a contact pose. I am worried that I will be confused.

After making the animation of the legs, the knee pop still appeared, but this time I decided to finish the other parts and then modify it here, because the position of the knee does not affect the positions of other parts.

I personally performed the running animation and figured out the relationship between the rotation of the chest and the rotation of the legs. This requires me to calm down and think carefully, which shows that I am still not proficient in the production of walking and running animation.

I adjusted the movement of my arm several times, because I wanted to ensure that the hand holding the sword would not move too much, and also that the movement of the arm could be normal under high-speed movement. After all, my animation is not like Link’s running animation, there is nothing in both hands.

Finally, I added the movement of the hair and the sword, and the running animation was completed. Although the running animation was made relatively fast this time, he can see that his running speed is too fast in Maya, even though I have adjusted it to 30FPS. I am worried that the speed of Unreal engine4 and Maya is different, but I remember that Zhu said that the speed can be adjusted in the engine, so I will not modify it.

This is the first running animation I did during graduate school. I found that reference is the most important thing. Copying the animation that has been done against the book may be rigid and not suitable for the character.
There is the final combat animation! come on!

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