
This time I started my third rigging. To be honest, this is the link where I think many problems are most likely to occur. I can only make it with my previous experience as much as possible.

I followed Yann’s suggestion and deleted the duplicate face after drawing the texture, which would actually be blocked by the clothes. But I suddenly discovered that my face count had become 110,000. I was panicked at the time. I kept checking what went wrong, and finally found out that it was because I had smoothed the curve.

I have published my blog about rigging, and you can check it if you are interested. The steps I am doing now are the ones I have done before. But I still forgot a lot of important steps! For example, before starting to adjust the bones, I must turn on FitMode. The specific function of this mode is that when you move the bones, it will automatically rotate to the corresponding position. We can determine the direction of each bone by looking at its own axis.

When I started to adjust the bones, I found that the line of my pants was not arranged very well, it should be like this on the thigh. But Yann said it doesn’t affect, so I plan to try it.

Then I finished adjusting my eyes, fingers and other bones. It is worth mentioning that I added a hair bone so that I can control the hair and use the no mirror attribute, otherwise this bone will generate a symmetrical bone.

After building the skeleton, I encountered the following problems:

  1. There is an extra controller in the hair, but I don’t know where it is controlled.
  2. The eye controller moved the bones to the vicinity of the mouth, no matter how I adjusted it, it was useless.
  3. The position of the bones of the fingers is not adjusted correctly, especially when it becomes a fist.
  4. The controller of the neck becomes extremely small.

So I checked and found that this controller controls the surface affected by the joint bone. And I also re-adjusted the position of the finger bones and enlarged the controller.

But I still couldn’t solve the problem of the controller of the eye. So I found a friend and asked him to check it for me. But the skeleton was successfully created in his advanced skeleton5! So he sent me the created skeleton file.

I created a skin cage to assist my binding. I only need to adjust the size of the cage to tell Maya the weight distribution of each bone. But it did not create a cage for the head, so the weight of my head was reassigned to the bones of the hair.

At this time, I used discord to show my model to Yann and Yu, and they all said it looked good.

So I started the stage of drawing weights again. I made a big mistake at the beginning: I have used cage to assign good weights, but I still want to redraw by myself! This is a waste of my time.

Each bone has its own weight distribution, and I cannot directly assign all weights to a certain bone. Otherwise, the model will break.

In the walk designer, we can clearly see that the bones of my feet are misplaced

Here I want to mention one thing. I found that once a bone is automatically assigned weights, I cannot see the parent of this bone. For example, the weight of the eyebrows should be assigned to the head, but it is automatically assigned to the bones of the hair, so I cannot see the bones of the head in the menu. The only way is to unbind the model and bind it again.

In addition, I must have been very proud of the fingers I carved before, until I saw that Xin’s hand could not be completely closed when he clenched his fist. This is why I made the fingers too thin.

The most interesting thing is that it took me two hours to unify the weight of the right shoulder and the clothes, but as long as the movement changes, the skin will pass through the clothes. In the end, I only selected the corresponding points and used copy weights. It turns out that copy weights can be selected, but it seems that mirror weights cannot.

Fortunately, I didn’t spend a lot of time on the device behind me. I assigned all its weight to a bone. Even if there are some minor problems, it can be considered as a good job without clothes simulation.

Finally, I used an animation test to observe the distribution of each bone and weight, and modified the waist. In fact, Xin would not bend seriously. So I completed the body rigging.

Next I started face rigging. I only need to follow the prompts to select the corresponding points, I guess it is not difficult. Except I found that the sides of the eyes were not arranged very neatly, which might affect him to close his eyes. But I dare not adjust the model, worrying about new problems.

When I chose to build face, he reminded me that I did not choose the corresponding skull bone. But even after I select it, I cannot create a face controller. First, it reminds me that my model is asymmetrical. The reason is that I put the whole body and head together, so the asymmetry of the body will also affect the creation of the controller of the head.

In addition, the Script editor told me “polyUnite needs at least 2 polygonal objects.” But I don’t know which two objects I need to select.

So I went to YouTube to look up the video and found the official face rigging about the asymmetric model, and I chose the corresponding point on the left face, even though the face is completely symmetrical!

Still not working! God! I was already lying in bed, but I saw that there was hope that this problem could be solved, so I got up in the middle of the night and continued to try, but it still didn’t work. I was really frustrated! ! !

The next day I asked Yann to check it for me, because the body build was also unsuccessful. I suspected that it was a problem with my plug-in. as predicted! Yann said that in addition to my plug-in problem, I also need to select the eyes, even if I have created them in the body setup. “No section needed” means that you can select only the objects of the eyeball, and only “optional” can ignore the selection. In addition, he helped me switch on “game engine” because I wanted to import him into UE4.

As long as the face skeleton is successfully created, I can proceed to the last step-drawing weights. But as I mentioned earlier, the sides of my eyes are not perfect, so he can’t close his eyes in a normal way. Second, there is some problem with the weight of the chin, which needs to be redrawn. The others are fine.

Finally, with your help, I successfully bound the model!

I spend a lot of time in rigging, but I think it’s worth it. As Karl said, we don’t know the principle of this plug-in, so when a problem arises, we can only work harder to find a solution. I am glad that the problem I encountered has almost been solved. At the same time, I also saw that my model is not perfect, and some side arrangements are problematic. But this cannot stop my progress.

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