FMP06-Unfolding UV(RizomUV)

I started unfold UV this week, and I still chose RizomUV. This time I hope that while reviewing the old knowledge, I learn some new knowledge.

Before that, I asked Yann some questions, because I have always had doubts about the conversion between the high polygon model and the low polygon model. Yann suggested that I don’t cut the surface before baking the texture to reduce the possibility of baking errors. And explained to me the principle of baking high face number model.

In addition, I also searched for related materials, but I think that before I actually go to baking (may encounter problems), I can’t fully understand the principle:

Turning on RizomUV, some lines of my model turned orange, which indicates that there may be some problems with the lines or the normals have been flipped. For example, my lips are orange. I checked the model again in Maya and found that the points of the lips are indeed not merged together. The lips are a single face.

In addition, I found that Xin’s mouth is not connected to the inside of the mouth. I am not sure if this model is correct. So I opened the model of the previous project and determined that the two should be connected together. I spent a lot of time stitching up the upper and lower lips and the inner points.

By the way, I also installed a plug-in that can bridge Maya and RizomUV. With it, I can share UVs quickly. But this does not work. I can only give up.

You can read my previous post for the content of Unfolding UV:
Here is a detailed record of my thoughts on developing UV.

But this time I also encountered an old problem: the mouth of the model could not be opened well. Last time I asked Yann to help me unfold, but this time I chose to cut directly from the lips. This may be a problem with my modeling.

The body is unfolded, and it looks good.

The second difficulty is to expand the details of the blade. I originally wanted to keep fewer UVs, but in the end I could only divide it into different UVs. I think the overlap of the UVs is because I didn’t cut too much, so the points and lines are not separated by enough distance when unfolding.

This is the complete UV model.

The rest are some small details. For example, the resolution of UV has to be modified. I chose 2048 pixels, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect.

Secondly, I switched to each UV shell because it allows me to draw textures in an orderly manner.

I thought about it for a long time and decided to make my model have two UV sets. This is to keep the UV density not too large or too small. However, in RizomUV, the UV set seems to have to be allocated at the beginning. I cannot copy the information of one UV set to another. This may be a bug.

I can only adjust it in Maya. Shrinking the UV shell to the first quadrant (0 to 1) in RizomUV will make the color of the entire model red, indicating that RizomUV thinks the model is severely compressed. But there seems to be no problem in Maya, and the pixel density has changed from more than 500 to 27, which is a normal value.

The following is the UV that I unfolded.

This time I avoided some of the mistakes I had made before. For example, when I chose to export the obj file and re-import Maya, I had to rename my models one by one, even though I had spent a lot of time doing this before. But I also forgot some knowledge. For example, Yann suggested in the last project that I first merge the materials into a UV set and assign the same material in Maya.
I also made some new attempts, but they all failed. I hope I will update RizomUV next time. Only version 1.0 has the function of passing UV and assigning ID map.

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