Creature Animation 03 – First Review


In fact, I had already shown my creature animation to Luke earlier, and he said a lot of things that needed to be adjusted, but I forgot to record it. So, this time I booked a 1 to 1 tutorial and asked Luke to record the tutorial. Now I can review what Luke said.


Before making adjustments, of course I have to put together Luke’s suggestions:

1. Gettyimages is a good website for finding material. Before that, I always went to YouTube to record video, which was not very convenient. And this website can help me quickly find suitable reference pictures.

2. Although I have noticed that the horse keeps as straight as possible when walking, I have not made it obvious. So Luke adjusted the translate X of each foot so that the four horse feet were as close as possible.

3. At this time I found a very important place! Why should I key according to the drawn reference picture! ? I should make my creature animation based on the actual pictures (I searched a lot)! ! ! Luke felt that there was a problem with the position and rotation of my horse’s feet. He adjusted it bit by bit according to the picture, and I should do the same!

4. The movement of the horse’s feet is adjusted by the channels in the controller, not directly rotating.

5. The rotate X of the hips of the horse has not been adjusted, which is why the hips of my horse look strange because it only moves up and down. Of course, like humans, hips keep moving up and down, which is a continuous curve.

6. In addition, rotate Z will also be adjusted. Similarly, I just used translate to translate hips left and right, but in fact, in order to make the motion trail of hips 8-shape, rotate Z must be adjusted. You can also adjust rotate Y if necessary. This is an important person.

7. In translate Y, I adjusted the value too much, making the hips much higher than the previous ones. In fact, I can reduce the distance between the highest point and the lowest point, and reduce their values ​​all to ensure a little higher. Of course, you must ensure that the horse’s legs do not deform.

8. Rotate Y is mainly to adjust the left and right orientation of the hips. I don’t know why its keyframes are particularly messy, but with the experience of adjusting performance animation, I already know why Luke changes the keyframes in this way.

9. I adjusted the controllers after watching some instructional videos, but Luke thought it was unnecessary and suggested that I delete all the keyframes. I guess it’s because the legs of the horse model in that video are relatively short. If you don’t adjust the controller, you won’t be able to make the feet stand on the ground perfectly.

Now I officially started to re-adjust, Luke said, never be afraid to re-animate. This is the reference I’m looking for:

As I wrote in the creature animation research, the movement of the horse’s head and hips is the same, and the opposite of the movement of the chest. In addition, from this perspective, the twisting of the horse’s hips is obvious.

First, I adjust the hips. According to Luke’s demonstration, I adjust translate XYZ and rotate XYZ respectively. Translate XYZ changes more obviously, but rotate XYZ is not like that. Later I found out that my numerical value was adjusted down, and there was almost no change. And rotate Y and rotate Z are different from other curves. I don’t have enough experience. I can’t know what rotate XYZ adjusts as clearly as Luke. I can only constantly compare the gif with the animation I adjusted. 11-16

This is the first time I adjusted the gif.

It can be seen that compared with the real horse, its hips swing is not big enough, maybe the value of translate Y is too small, I tried to adjust it. Then I used the motion trail, but the trail is not 8-shape, but almost straight. But how I think the trail of hips should be 8-shape, so I tracked the controller of the tail, and it is 8-shape now.

Next I started to adjust the movement of the head, the head and hips are the same. I also adjusted from translate XYZ to rotate XYZ. However, I think the head swing should be the most violent in the contact pose, so its curve will be a little different. For example, I will maximize the value of rotate Y and Z in 3F.

At this time, I found that the rotate Z key of the hips of the horse was wrong, because 3F and 15F are the places where the maximum value of rotate Z is! Similarly, my other curves are also wrong, and the contact pose should be the lowest point. I re-modified the hips controller.

In addition, I have keyed all the controllers in my neck, but I don’t know how to create overlap in the loop animation, and I might have to ask Luke.

In the same way, I adjusted the chest controllers according to hips, and I have mastered the law: this is the same as a human walk, it is easy to distinguish the highest point and the lowest point, and the key is very easy.

Although I have finished adjusting, it still feels weird. It seems that the head gets stuck.

In any case, I have to adjust my feet now, this time I will refer to this picture to make. God, this is really too difficult. I often adjust, and I forget which pose I should adjust.

Finally, I did not forget to use translate X to keep my feet in a straight line.

Emm, this is my last animation. It looks a little strange, but it’s better than the first time!


In this week’s creation of animation adjustments, I learned:

1. The horse’s feet should be in a straight line, which can be adjusted by translate X.

2. Make an animation based on real life’s Malay! ! !

3. The motion trails of horse head, horse tail and other positions should all be 8-figure.

4. Hips controllers need to be adjusted in many places (refer to the above), and other controllers are the same.

5. The walking of a horse is actually two people walking, so it is important to master the walking animation of people.

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