Performance Animation 05 – Second Review


Luke checked my animation frame by frame and gave a second suggestion.


Hip must keep moving at all times and cannot stop.

The shape of the Spline must be correct, as in the last picture.

The tail has to be put down, because it is very strange for the performance.

Tom’s posture should be domineering, maybe an angry posture would be more suitable for it.

So, I modified the hip controller from the beginning, hoping to use it to adjust the shape of Tom’s spline. It is really convenient to adjust the curve directly after learning to use the graph editor. In addition, I have to modify Translate Y to control the vertical movement of the hip. In order to make it more natural, I did not adjust the value too much.

Because the hip has been adjusted, using IK’s arm will look strange. So I have to adjust my arm movements. Special attention should be paid to the shape of the arm and the position of the palm under breathing.

When Tom’s body suddenly dropped, it seemed strange to me that my knees didn’t drop. Later, I thought of using slow out to express the movement of the legs, which gave the knee a chance to cushion, and it seemed that the effect was not bad.

The adjustment of the tail is the same as the hip. You only need to adjust the curve of Rotate Z in the graph editor. Although the root controller of the tail will be better adjusted, I found that the tail movement is a bit unnatural and even gets stuck.

So I downloaded the Overlappy mel provided by Luke, this tool can help me adjust the tail movement. After I tried it, I think this tool is really too powerful! ! ! The movement of the tail becomes very natural! ! !

This is the animation after I adjusted it.


In the adjustment of the week, I learned:

1. Hip will not stop moving, even if some characters seem to be still, let the hip move slightly.

2. Pay attention to the position of Elbow, the incorrect position will deform the arm.

3. The shape of the spine should be correct, because a real person will not twist the body into a strange shape.

4. In this case, try not to use IK with your hands, because it doesn’t need to be attached to something.

5. Overlappy is so convenient! If you have a good plug-in, you must try it. But Yann said that plug-in cannot be completely relied on. Once they stop updating, it will be very inconvenient.

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