Week2 – Character story & Sketch


This week we officially started to make our characters. The first step must be the design character. Because I had a preliminary idea about the role of the game, the task of designing the role was left to me.


It was mentioned last week that we only had a rough idea of ​​our role, but the specifics have not been figured out yet. I described the background of the role in the group meeting. She has been living with the tribe in a certain country in Africa and growing up far away from the city. Her father is the leader of the tribe and has great expectations of her. I hope she can not only think about hunting all the time, but develop her family’s animal husbandry. But because of the omnic crisis, people in the tribe were killed, including her father. So she decided to rely on her hunting ability to protect others and embarked on the path of justice.

So we have to design from what skills this role should have as a hunter. After discussion, we determined the following skills:

Left Button: Operate two knives to damage the enemy.

Right Button: Let the blade be launched to damage the enemy, and can be summoned back.

E Button: The knife is converted into a blowpipe, and the berserk darts to opponent which would cause a target to attack their teammates within close range.

Shift Button: The character can be invisible and move quickly, making it easy to approach the enemy or stay away from the enemy.

Passive: The character can move and attack on the wall.

Q Button (Ultimate): Quickly rush to the enemy and throw them to the ground to attack.

We designed this in the hope that she can have escape skills when attacking opponents at close range, otherwise, as a hero who attacks enemies at close range, she will not easily survive the battle. In addition, she must have strong mobility to highlight her flexibility. There is also a suggestion from Yann, that is to let the blade be launched, so as to make up for her shortcomings of too short attack range, and to test the player’s operation.

Next, I’m going to write the story of the character. Every Overwatch hero has its own background story.

I really watched a lot of documentaries, pictures and articles before I wrote the following story:

Real name: Maha Dlamini, Age: 28

Occupation: Hunter

Base of Operations: Numbani

Affiliation: None

“On this land full of anger and tears, people rise up to resist.”

Maha Dlamini is the daughter of the chief of Zambu, a traditional tribe in South Africa. Under the leadership of his father Johnson Dlamini, the people of Zambu lived a primitive and self-sufficient life in comfort. Although Zambu mainly lives on animal husbandry, Maha wanted to be a hunter since she was a child, and even left her cows to catch prey when she was grazing, so she was often blamed by her father. Although Johnson admits that hunting does bring about a strong body and ability to survive, he still firmly believes that Maha should pay more attention to how to maintain the life of his tribe with fewer and fewer prey. So until the omnic crisis, Maha and Johnson often quarreled about this matter.

“I’m glad to see you again, my Maha. I want to tell you…Use this to protect yourself and others…” This is Johnson’s last words to Maha, he is with most of the people. Sacrificed to protect the tribe attacked by omnic. Maha delayed the time to return home because he sneaked to hunt while grazing, and escaped a catastrophe, becoming one of the few survivors. After that, she took the relics that Johnson gave her-two bird-head knives, and joined the surviving tribe to join the Maca tribe led by his father’s friend. This is a tribe that makes a living by hunting, even though Maha is here. After learning a lot of hunting knowledge that she once wanted, she did not feel happy anymore.

A few years later, although the omnibus crisis was lifted, there are still many omnibus threats to humans in the world. When Maha was an adult, some solitary omnics attacked the Marca tribe, but this time Maha solved them with her own hunting experience, so she found that hunting omnics became her new motivation and goal. After discussing with her father’s friends, she took the bird-head knife and set foot on the road to protect others.

In the ensuing time, Maha protected many people with bird-head knives by virtue of her superb technique and rich hunting experience. She is also known as the “ominics hunter”. In Numbani, she mistakenly regarded Orisa, who had made mistakes due to lack of experience, as a threatening omnic, and thus met Efi Oladele. This talented girl affirmed her thoughts and created suitable equipment for her to make her more handy in battle.

Now, Maha is recalling his childhood dispute with his father, expressing his understanding of his good intentions. But she also believes that Johnson will support the path she is taking now, because she is bringing her father’s power to realize her dream.

Role: Damage

Difficulty: Three stars

Maha can either choose to use a bird-head knife to attack the enemy in stealth movement at close range, or let it cause extremely high damage to the enemy like a boomerang. At the same time, the violent blow arrows and the high-speed moving hunting slam that can make the enemy attack teammates can also give the enemy a berserk darts.

I have a lot of data as support, but I can’t ensure that I can really show her culture. If there is any incorrect description, you are welcome to say it.

With these pictures, I can create a sketch!


To be honest, after collecting information, I feel that my impression of Africa is different. Their lives and culture are deeply attracted to me, maybe this is the charm of culture. When writing the story, I discovered how important a good background story is to the character’s character. In order to make this character look like a real one, I have to spend a lot of time looking up information, this is only the first step! I pay my respects to the creators of each game.

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