Review & Prospect as an animator

When I wrote this blog, my grades of the last semester had already had results. I took an A in the 3D computer animation fundamentals, which was far beyond my expectation. But after reading Luke’s evaluation, I felt that I was qualified to get an A.

When I edited my showreel in Premier, I discovered that from the first bouncing ball in maze to the final performance animation, my animation ability is really improving rapidly. I think my progress is due to:

1. I have carefully completed the assignment every time, and recorded every step in my blog, which is convenient for me to review, and sorted out tips and problems.

2. I will listen carefully to the comments Luke gives to each classmate. Because what other students’ animations need to be improved is my animations may also require. After this I will revise my work again.

3. I will ask Luke to review on my assignment again and solve my problems, and record his suggestions.

4. Luke and my classmates helped me patiently. I learned a lot from them and their blogs. I am very grateful for their help.

Although I have made great progress, I still think that my animation ability is not enough. As Luke said, I must keep it up and l will be a very confident animator. I also summarize my shortcomings:

1. The most basic spline is always not good enough.

2. The degree of grasp of timing is still not enough.

3. The performance is not “animation” enough.

4. Not enough practice, always playing games and watching mobile phone.

I also said before that I want to make the animation feel likeļ¼š

. I know this is very Disney style, but I just think it’s very interesting to make 3D animation like this. Of course

The animations shown here are really great, and the overlapping of the characters has been adjusted particularly well. I have watched it many times, and I hope I can achieve this effect.

Finally, this is my outlook for myself:

1. Go and watch more excellent animation works.

2. Practice more.

3. Ask Luke and classmates for advice.

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