3DEqualizer4 Release6 fundamental pratice- Body tracking


Today Dom not only teaches us the basic camera tracking knowledge, but also tells us how to track the character’s body, and put the armor model into the footage in Maya.


  1. If you cannot export the buffer, you can try to convert the exr file to a jpeg file.
  2. Be sure to remember to save.
  3. Try not to use PLE.


  1. I cannot export the buffer.
  2. Deviation surged to 13 after the calculation, and it cannot be withdrawn, only the saved file can be read.
  3. Tracking unsucessfully too many points, it is not possible to complete tracking by adding a new point like Dom.
  4. Track body is very slow, and automatic tracking often stops.
  5. In the Lineup view, the model does not follow people at all.
  6. Once Mel was imported in Maya, Maya crashed.
  7. One paly in Maya, the model disappeared.


At first, Dom and Luke tried to log in to 3DE4 on the school computer for nearly an hour, so Dom had to speed up to complete the previous teaching. The content of Part1 is very simple, because we already have two tracking experiences, we all know that we need to modify the name of the camera group, we need to change the starting frame to 0, and we can also adjust the brightness of the imported sequence frame appropriately.

However, I cannot successfully export the buffer, no matter what my common sense is. I had to ask Dom, Dom’s suggestion is that I change the Exr file to Jpeg file. So I had to convert in Adobe Bridge, which really worked!

The following are all routine operations. Track background in the camera group, but this time there is a new knowledge point: we need to keep the bar next to the tracking point green at all times, because this means that your tracking effect is relatively stable. If your bar turns red, a better way is to stop tracking and expand or shrink the search box so that the bar can remain green again. 1011

In this way, we finished the track on the left wall.

But Dom thinks we can track more places. For example, in the background, you can even change the color to distinguish it from the foreground. In addition, the ground can also be tracked. But when I tracked the ground, my deviation was less than 2. After calculating, it became 13 and I found that it was useless to cancel, so I had to re-import the file.

Finally, I did all the tracking.

Then the deviation is reduced by Parameter Adjustment. This is also a step that has been done, because we don’t know the specific lens parameters, we can first change the Focal Length to Adjust, and then select Adaptive All in Parameter Adjustment.

After clicking Adjust and calculating, we choose to change Distortion- Degree 2 to Adjust, this time select Brute Force All in Parameter Adjustment. Repeat the above action

This time we also Adjust Quartic Distortion, so that the red dot will become a cube. Continue to repeat the above actions.

Now we enter a new step, the last time it was the face of the track character, now it is the body of the track. The teacher hopes that we can track at least ten points on the body. But remember, you must track on the newly created body group, not on the camera group.

When I was in the track body, I found that my track point would often get lost, and would stop after the automatic tracking, but the teacher did it smoothly, so I had to watch the steps the teacher did again. I found that he can not only control the color in a convenient track, but also skillfully expand and shrink the search box.

After a long time I finished to track my body.

Next, I imported the model into the 3D Models of the body group, and turned off Model Contains Survey Data, so that I could move, zoom, and rotate my model.

Move the model to match the character from the Lineup view, select Project Points on 3D Models.

Although my point was projected, the model did not follow the human movement when viewed in the Lineup view, even though the model moved with the camera in the 3D Orientation.

I thought this was because I didn’t calculate, but after the calculation, the model followed the person, but it moved completely randomly, which means that I didn’t put the model in the correct position at the beginning.

After checking, I found that because there are two points I did not track correctly, I deleted them and reprojected them.

I can finally export the file!







This time I learned a very important thing. You don’t use PLE. If it wasn’t for Dom to save many versions, I might have to track again. Of course, I encountered a lot of problems this time, and I think I can make an appointment for Dom’s tutorial.

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