Week5: 3DEqualizer4 Release6 fundamental Pratice- Tracking


This week we continued to study 3DE4 and at first, we reviewed what we learnt before. Then we began to track the face and import a model on. Finally, we edited it in Mya.


  1. Ctrl + left button to create a new tracking point!!!
  2. Don not switch off Model Contains Survey Date before extracting the points.


  1. the points always missed after adjusting in Parameter Adjustment.
  2. No matter how I adjust I cannot extract the points on vertex.
  3. Probably I cannot play the sequence in Maya.


I connected the school’s computer to complete my work because the 3DE4 in it is not PLD and can export the file.

After setting the parameters, I began to track the scene, Also I adjusted the Image Controls to make me track conveniently.

And tracing about 16 points, I calculated and adjust the options to reduce the deviation. However, there was something problem because the points always missed after adjusting in Parameter Adjustment.

I checked the recorded video and followed what Dom did, I din not know what happened for the reason that I did same as he. Whatever, at last I succeeded to adjust when I saw a plane, I guessed because I adjust the correct Filmback Height.

Now I started to track the face, I thought it was easy to me.

And I met a big problem! No matter how I adjust I cannot extract the points on vertex! It always showed me that I wanted to rotate my screen. I have struggled with it for one hour and at last I had no any idea and just asked Dom for help.

Dom replied me that this would be because in my right-side screen, I am not in the same group as left hand screen.

Therefore I put the two windows in the same group, but it still did no work. After researching it I found that because I switched off Model Contains Survey Date before extracting the point.

I got it!!!

Even if I noticed that my model will became big suddenly, that because I did not track the points around lip in the middle. I tracked these according to my imagine.

Now I can export the image and files!

In Maya, After adjusting in Maya, I cannot play the sequence. Maybe it was an IT problem because it worked when I switched my computer.

I export the playblast!

final ouput


Thanks to Dom’s help! I solved my problem and successfully exported the video. That is so interesting although it is hard for me to find a teaching video in my country. I look forward to your teaching me again!

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