Week2: Bouncing ball with tail animation


Actually, when I watched the process that animated by Luke, it evoked me when I tried to do this kind of animation at the first time. I used pretty of time, unfortunately, almost one year passed by, I still struggle against doing that. Ball with tailed, which is based on follow through and overlapping action, as well as arc in 12 basic principles of animation, probably I mastered it after trying to adjust it at several times.


  1. The movement of the tail should follow the direction of the body.
  2. Make the track of tail to arc.
  3. Don’t forget to adjust the body in graph editor firstly.


  1. The track of the tail looks not like an arc.
  2. The tail and body sometimes moved so slow while sometimes moved so fast.


Before I began my work, I watched the recorded video and note down every frame that showed the location and rotation of tail was keyed by tutor. However, I noticed that the tutor adjusted the tail by his own experience, unlike the ball bounce in the first class, which had certain values to use. That means I have to figure out how the tail works and then adjust it by feeling, not by copying what I see.

At the first jump, I followed what tutor did in class. For example, going to the specific frames to set the fixed position and rotation index. But now I still didn’t master the principle of tail movement, this led to that my keyframes were so disorder. And finally, I just adjusted these by my own feeling.

Thanks god, it’s useful to use CreateMotionTrail, which can enabled me to check the movement easily.

第一次调整的时候,跟着老师做 但是帧数混乱,最后还是得一个个调整。

At the second try, I did in for a long time, more than 2 hours, for the reason that I always change the position and rotation according to the first jump. So, unfortunately, it really made me in trouble. For instance, that’s quite different between the first jump and second jump in the two trails, I need arc!!! So, the fox jumped more quickly in the second jump.


Before third attempt, I found that I forgot to adjust translate X and Y of the body in graph editor!!! That means the trait of body changed and I had to adjust the index again!!! OMG, at that time I really felt tired. What ‘more, I didn’t know the accurate timing so it seen when the fox climbed it moved too slow and then decrease quickly.



It’s time to animate at forth and fifth tries! For the evidence that I made a summary:


  1. Firstly, make the keys, which refers to the main body, move it in the two platform.
  2. Then make the extremes, which means key in the middle time, and now the tail is down, not flat.
  3. After that, make the breakdowns. It is important to adjust the tail to become down after jumping. In addition, after jump in the middle, when the tail achieves the highest point, it should look like a beautiful arc.
  1. 先做好keys,就是移动身体在两个平面上,
  2. 然后就是extremes 在中间的位置 这时候的尾巴是往下的,不是横着的
  3. 接下来是breakdowns, 值得注意的是,在刚开始跳的往后三帧一定就要马上调整尾巴的方向了,还有就是正中间往后几帧的位置,尾巴到达最高点,应该是个美丽的弧线

After touch the ground:

final output

review(update on 201120)

What the most improtant thing is that switch on track of the ball in order to check the priciple of bouncing ball.

And then try to adjust every curve in graph editor.

Then it’s time to adjust every parts of tail. We need to know that in side-X, if we turn up the index of rotate X of tail, the tail looks like turn down in side-X because it’s going to rotate out of the body.

And what we need to do is that let overlapping diappear. That means we need to move the behind point to the same position in Rotate X. Don’t forget to let the tail like a arc.


Although it took me a lot of time to make this animation, I was happy to sum up a set of experience. Whatever, Practice is the best way to prove the theory.

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